When Beyond: Two Souls was released in 2013 by Quantic Dream, it marked a bold step forward in narrative-driven gaming. Directed by David Cage, the interactive drama tells the story of Jodie Holmes, a young woman tethered to a supernatural entity named Aiden. The game explores themes of identity, connection, and morality, all brought to life through stunning performances by Elliot Page (credited as Ellen Page) and Willem Dafoe. Its nonlinear narrative, cinematic visuals, and emotional depth set it apart as a standout title in the realm of interactive dramas.
Initially released as a PlayStation 3 exclusive, the game was later remastered for PlayStation 4 in 2015 and arrived on PC in 2019. Beyond: Two Souls takes players on a fragmented, 15-year journey through Jodie’s life, where every choice influences her relationships, her destiny, and the nature of her connection to Aiden.